The nature of the development cycle and the asset cycle impact the order of this use case. 开发周期和资产周期的特性影响着该用例的次序。
For example, in the domain of shopping, consider the life cycle of an order: An order is created. 例如,考虑购物中的一个订单的生命周期:创建订单。
And the conclusion is as follows: in legislation, we should make a legislative choice of anti-cycle law and turn it gradually into an adjustment mechanism for weakening the econimic cycle, in order to ensure the sound performance of the national economy. 作者的结论是:在立法上,应做反周期法立法选择,并使之形成弱化经济周期的调整机制,以保障国民经济平稳、良性运行。
This paper describes how to develop engine B231 by engine bench test& cycle simulation calculation in order to reduce fuel consumption of the engine. 以改善发动机的燃油经济性为目的,采用发动机台架试验和模拟计算的方法对B231发动机性能进行研究开发。
Through this transformation, IIPC enhanced competitive advantage for differentiation strategy in delivery cycle and configure to order. 经过这一变革,IIPC在交货速度和定制产品方面为差异性战略增加了优势。
The industry metabolism analysis method was used to analyze China's sulfur resources industry around "reserve-source-process-consumption" of the whole sulphur life cycle phases in order to study both the utilization and influence of it. Some existing problems on the industry were pointed out and analyzed. 围绕硫储备来源加工消费的整个生命周期,对我国硫资源产业进行工业代谢分析,考察硫资源的利用和对环境的影响状况,对目前硫资源产业存在的问题进行了剖析。
The section organization of fan body is similar to the reverse cycle depositional order of Walker's ( 1979) submarine fan, bedding types are analogous to Winn and Dott's ( 1979) types of submarine fan. 扇体的剖面结构相似于Walker(1979)提出的海底扇反旋回沉积序列,层理类型与Winn和Dott(1979)提出的海底扇的层理类型类似;
In the course of the development of vehicle real world driving cycle, in order to develop vehicle real world driving cycle on the relevant traffic characteristic road, the kinematic sequences must be classified according to road traffic characteristic. 在车辆实际行驶工况的开发过程中,为了得到相应交通特征道路上的实际行驶工况,需要将运动学片断按照道路交通特征分类。
From the forming mechanism of the life cycle of branded products, the author studies the characteristics of gymnastic brands in each phase of the life cycle in order to seek strategies for the enterprises that produce gymnastic products in the process of brand distribution. 本文从品牌生命周期的形成机理出发,研究体育用品品牌生命周期各阶段的特征,寻求体育用品企业在品牌营销过程中的应对策略。
The lowest stock cost is achieved by adoption of combination order of regular and quantitative ways based on the stock cycle and economical order quantity. 根据库存变化周期和经济订货批量,采用定期与定量相结合的订货方法,实现最低库存成本。
According to the cycle of word order, we divide them into six types: ( 1) the cycle in the same sentence; 根据回文诗词回读的特点,把回文诗词分为六种类型:(1)句内回文;
The technological level of international wood-based panel machinery has got a rapid and great advancement in the world with the fast development of wood-based panel industry which accords with cycle economy demand in order to economize furthest the timber raw material and the energy resources. 为最大限度地节约木材原料和能源,符合循环经济要求的人造板工业在世界各地得到迅速发展,从而带动了人造板机械设备技术水平的迅速提高。
Based on the real-time sales data exchange, it enables suppliers to make the decision of the optimal time and the quantities of replenishment for retailers during a delivery cycle, in order to replenish the consumers 'stock initiatively and minimize the long-run average cost. 在实时交换销售数据的基础上,供应商能够依据模型在发货周期内确定最佳的货物配送时间和配送数量,主动补货,实现总的长期平均成本最小化。
The concentrations of serum testosterone, estradiol and progesterone were measured by Radioimmunoassay ( RIA) during the annual reproductive cycle, in order to elucidate the rules of serum sex steroid hormones, and find out the relationships between sex steroid hormones and spermatogenesis, and reproductive activity. 运用放射免疫方法测定了不同月份血清睾酮、雌二醇和孕酮的浓度,试图了解性类固醇激素的年周期变化规律及其与精子发生和生殖活动的关系;
Based on the uncertainties of the implement of the R D project, this paper introduces the model of cycle of risk management in order to decrease the failure probability of the R D project. 本文针对RD项目在执行和成果转化过程中存在着诸多不确定因素,引入风险管理循环组以降低RD项目的失败率。
In the VLSI design cycle, in order to detect and debug the errors in early stages or to verify the functional correctness hierarchically, black boxing verification methods are often used. 在超大规模集成电路设计中,为了进行早期的设计错误检测与调试或层次化验证,常常需要使用含黑盒的设计验证方法。
In changing market demand conditions, shorter product life cycle order divides into two stages: in the first early stage, supplier has one chance of ordering commodity, the another chance during in the end of the first stage and the early of the second stage. 在市场需求变化条件下,短生命周期的产品订货分为两个阶段:第一阶段初从供应商那里订货一次,第一阶段末第二阶段初,根据市场需求变化再订货一次。
Based on the equipment life cycle cost, this article carries on the analysis computation and the research to the multimedia network classroom life cycle cost, in order to provide some constructive suggestions and practical foundation on the investment assignment and the management of education equipment. 本文从装备的寿命周期费用出发,对多媒体网络教室寿命周期费用进行分析计算和研究,以期对教育装备投入的分配、教育装备的管理提出建设性建议和实践依据。
Each reference voltage of the paralleled UPS traces the cycle waveform in order to synchronize the output voltages. The other is for averaged output current and current sharing is achieved by average current method. 通过电压基准相位线实现各UPS输出电压的同步,采用平均电流法实现各UPS模块的均流。
After half crystal water expelled from the crystal structure, the original structure state could be not only recover to after rehydration, but also the diffraction peak intensity was strengthened, it can be concluded that the heat-treatment and rehydration cycle can improve the order of structure. 凹凸棒石脱出一半结晶水后,经过水化后不仅可以恢复到原来的结构状态,而且晶体的衍射峰强度得到加强,认为是凹凸棒石经过热处理-水化循环后结构有序性提高。
After that, do the modal analysis. In the whole work cycle, find previous order and its corresponding mode shape of vibration forms. 然后再进行模态分析,得到在整个工作周期内前十阶自振频率及其对应的振动形式。
Secondly, this paper adopts cash flow classification method to analyze the symbol features of cash flows in the corporate life cycle stages in order to summarize the classification method of corporate life cycle. 其次,本文采用现金流分类组合法分析了企业各生命周期阶段现金流量的符号特征,并加以总结,归纳出划分企业生命周期的方法。
It is considering the cost of construction and operational development, throughout the whole life cycle stages, in order to achieve a scientific design, reasonable choice and minimum cost. 它综合考虑建设成本和运营发展成本,贯穿企业全寿命周期各阶段,从而实现科学的设计和合理的选择,实现成本最小。
According to the animal movement regularity, we inference the movement cycle in order to synthetic animation. 根据动物的运动规律性,推理出动物的运动周期,从而合成动画。
In solving the development problems of agricultural public company, the life cycle in order theory, the agricultural listed companies is a living organism as, life cycle of the define, looking out at all stages synergistic growth recession growth during the transformation. 在解决农业上市公司成长问题时,在以生命周期理论为基础,把农业上市公司看作是有生命的有机体,进行生命周期的界定,寻找出在各阶段的协同成长以及衰退时期的蜕变成长。
This research method focuses on the ecological footprint theory which used to guide architectural design, and integrate strategies and ecological design elements from the view of full life cycle, in order to guide sustainable evaluation for green building design quantificationally. 本论文着重于利用生态足迹理论指导建筑设计,从全生命周期的角度考虑整合相关策略及生态设计要素,为绿色建筑设计做可持续评价的定量指导。
Pulse width counting method is to compare the grayscale signal from binary image that stored in the latch, with the value in the counter. The counter and comparator control the duty cycle of the pulse in order to modulate the grayscale signal. 脉宽计数法是将保存在锁存器中的二进制图像的灰度信号,与计数器中的数值通过比较器比较,由计数器和比较器来控制脉冲的占空比,从而达到调制灰度信号的作用。
In order to solve this problem, this thesis set up a single cycle economic order quantity model under the condition that the value changing of inventory will happen. 接下来,针对以往库存模型中没有考虑库存价值变化的问题,本文提出了在需求为随机分布,库存价值发生变化情况下的单周期经济订货批量模型。
Eco-design system considering the environmental factors when designing products, by improving the environmental impact throughout the whole life cycle, in order to reduce the consumption of resources and environmental pollution from the source. 生态设计制度将环境因素融入到产品的设计过程中,通过改善产品在整个生命周期内的环境影响,从源头上减少产品对资源的消耗和对环境的污染。
Integrated product development ( IPD) is an extension of concurrent engineering. It develops both product models and process models from the point of view of whole life cycle in order to meet the strategic targets of modern enterprises. 集成产品开发(IPD)是并行工程设计理念的外延,它站在全生命周期的高度对产品及其开发过程进行建模以满足现代企业TQCSE的战略目标。